
Linotype fontexplorer x pro
Linotype fontexplorer x pro

  1. Linotype fontexplorer x pro mac os#
  2. Linotype fontexplorer x pro pro#

Until you name that set, you can add additional selected fonts to it by pressing Command-+. This is helpful when you’re watching a slide show of possible fonts, or skimming through your font collection, and don’t want to stop to create and name a set. This feature is especially handy when using the server version of FontExplorer X Pro, because when users mouse over a set, they can see the comments added by administrator.Īnother helpful new set-related feature is the ability to create a new “Ad hoc” set and add selected font(s) to it with one keystroke. You can now add comments to sets, either for yourself or to inform other users about them. Version 3 now lets you organize your smart sets into folders.

linotype fontexplorer x pro

Version 2 allowed you to define “smart” sets that would automatically add any fonts that met your specific requirements, such as font format, manufacturer, classification, designer, number of activations, embedding rights, label, rating, and so on. It will even show the slideshow as a transparent overlay on your documents. This is incredibly handy for exploring headline options on a document you have open in any program. Version 3 also builds on the program’s previous Preview feature: you can now watch a slide show to flip through multiple fonts, and drag a sample over any area of your display-using your own text in any color, size, leading, tracking, and so forth.

Linotype fontexplorer x pro pro#

Suitcase Fusion ( ) or FontAgent Pro into the Fonts area of FontExplorer X. You can now import complete libraries, with structure, by simply dragging all the sets from inside This new version makes it easier to switch to it from other font managers by letting you import the sets you created in those programs. In addition to its modest number of new features, there are many improvements to FontExplorer X Pro 3. So if your project will appear in, say Eastern European languages or languages that have accent marks or special characteristic letter combinations, and you know the languages your project requires, but not the specific glyphs, you can simply check the Character Toolbox list of supported languages for that font. For example, you could paste in some sample text from your project, or type in some characters or punctuation, to be sure your chosen font actually has them. Moof! Character ToolboxįontExplorer X’s new Character Toolbox is a powerhouse for multilingual publishing because it will show you if the glyphs (characters) you need for your project are included in the fonts you want to use.

linotype fontexplorer x pro

Linotype fontexplorer x pro mac os#

Plus, as an extra-added bonus, FontExplorer X Pro 3.0 employs an updated version of the venerable Mac OS Dogcow, the original page orientation icon used in the old page setup dialog box. This is one of the best implementations of font specimen printing I’ve encountered, and for some users, it alone would be valuable enough to justify buying the program. Version 3 adds the ability to include your own graphics in those headers and footers.

linotype fontexplorer x pro

You can then enable optional headers and footers that contain page numbers, as well as your own custom information. Each icon has a substantial set of options to accommodate just about any need you may have, including which information to print on the first page but not on succeeding pages. To create a custom layout, simply drag any of five different information icons onto five distinct areas of the page.

Linotype fontexplorer x pro